San Antonio is only 155 miles from Acuna, Mexico. This must be news to the media outlets in San Antonio because of the almost complete lack of news coverage about last week's floods and the loss of lives. The dramatic photos that we never saw: the cardboard houses washed away, the thousands of people left homeless and the damage caused by the storms to the thousands of families living on the river were not newsworthy.
The heart-wrenching stories of children unable to get their treatments for cancer, families without food, water, electricity and many without homes went unreported. Yes, there were very general stories about the flooding where some cities were mentioned, but where were the stories and photos about the victims.
I am deeply disappointed by this lack of coverage. Many of these stories would have been picked up by the national press if reported properly and with compassion by the San Antonio media.
Our churches pray and meet about the gulf oil spill. Yet, not a word about our neighbors to the south. Does Mexico simply not matter?
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