I made a point to be in Mexico to witness voters. I saw no evidence of fraud, but that certainly does not mean that there was no fraud. That being said, Mexico has a new president. The people I spoke with do not expect many changes. Most agree that even if the cartels abandoned the border forever that it will take many, many years to recover the tourist industry along the border.
In Acuna, even Ma Cosby's is closed. Made famous in the song, "Blame it on Mexico", it was sad to see this place closed. When we first visited Acuna in 2000, this place was packed with tourists. I remember one group that drove from Dallas to celebrate a wedding anniversary. Almost every tourist checked out Ma Crosby's.
The military at the bridge and at every entrance and exit from this city (even roads leading to other Mexican cities) remain. Almost every car entering the country is inspected by the border guards and many are inspected a 2nd time by the military.
Unlike Mexico, on the U.S. side there is no inspection of vehicles leaving the country. We do not seem to care about cars and trucks taking guns into Mexico. This is not the fault of the brave men and women of the Border Patrol and other ICE entities. It is our unwritten policy not to inspect vehicles or question people as they leave the USA and cross the International Bridge.
So, if a person that is wanted for murder in the USA wants to escape to Mexico, they need not fear any problems on the U.S. side of the border. At least this is true at the three U.S. crossing points I made. Hopefully, it is a different story at other crossing points.
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